1. My student WALKS HOME alone, with a sibling, or friend:
Your student will be escorted by a teacher to the stop sign at the corner of La Cosa and Nedra Way where he/she will be dismissed.
2. My student is PICKED UP by an adult who has either walked to PWE or parked his/her car and gotten out:
***PLEASE NOTE*** – We are asking all adults who park and walk up to the school to park on Nedra Way between Arapaho and Fireflame, and then exit on Fireflame or Warm Breeze. To avoid a traffic jam, you will not be able to turn left or right onto La Cosa from Nedra Way during dismissal.
Your student will be released to you by a teacher when you walk up to the fence on the east side of the building. For rainy day dismissal, you will walk up to the exterior doors, closest to the playground, on this same east side of the building.
3. My student is picked up by an adult in the CARPOOL LANE:
Your student will be waiting inside the building until your car enters the carpool lane. Once your car is inside the carpool lane, a staff member will read your car tag number over walkie-talkie to another staff member who will send your student out of the building to your car.
***PLEASE NOTE*** - We are asking all adults who utilize the carpool lane do so via westbound La Cosa pulling as close to the curb as possible. Nedra Way will be reserved for parked cars only. Students will only be released to cars in the carpool lane with car tags. Every family will be given 2 tags at the beginning of the school year. Please have your tag on your rearview mirror where it is easily visible. If you lose your tag or need an extra tag, please come to the Office to get one. Bring identification.
***PLEASE NOTE*** - These are the only 3 ways that we will dismiss children. Please, do not come into the building to get your child at dismissal time unless it is a true emergency.
Pick Up (Pre-K)
- Dismissal is at 3:10 PM.
- Prior to the first day of school, your child will be given a carpool tag with a number for pick up purposes. Please have your number with you at all times.
- Students who attend Pre-K will be dismissed by the stars in the Staff Parking Lot
- If they have older siblings at PWE, the older siblings will be with them.
- If you stay in the car, pull forward and show your tag to the teachers.
- If your child requires being buckled into a car seat, you will need to buckle them in.
- If you will be walking to the stairs to pick up your child, please show your tag to the teachers.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 3
- Wednesday, March 5
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 28
- Friday, April 4
- Monday, April 7
- Wednesday, April 9