2024-2025 Board Members
Position |
Chair |
Assistant |
President | Lexie Horner | president@pwepta.org | |
1st VP - President Elect | Lindsey Crabbe | firstvp@pwepta.org | |
2nd VP - Programs | Karen Burnell | Alaina Jeanblanc | vpprograms@pwepta.org |
3rd VP - Membership | Amanda Franklin | vpmembership@pwepta.org | |
4th VP - Ways and Means | Courtney Wagner | vpwaysandmeans@pwepta.org | |
5th VP - Social Media | Rachel Bell | ||
6th VP - Communication | Shannon Smith | ||
Secretary/PTA Office | Erin Pope | secretary@pwepta.org | |
Treasurer | Kathleen Wernicke | treasurer@pwepta.org | |
6th Grade Rep | Beth Lloyd | Tiffany Burgess | 6thgrade@pwepta.org |
After School Activities | Annie Post | Sonya Hohlt | afterschool@pwepta.org |
Auction | Taylor Walcik | Amanda Sherman | auction@pwepta.org |
Book Fair | Lexie Smith | Elizabeth Riggins | bookfair@pwepta.org |
Clothes Closet | Stephanie Poorman | Jenn Wyatt | clothescloset@pwepta.org |
Community Partners | Jaime Lyons | Traci Redding | communitypartners@pwepta.org |
Dad’s Club Representative | Justin McCarthy | Brett Hoelting | dadsclub@pwepta.org |
Dance Chair | Teresa Dillon | Kelly Oldham | dancechair@pwepta.org |
Disbursements | Carrie Farrell | disbursements@pwepta.org | |
Future Panthers | Lauren Hoelting | Jessie VonBargen | futurepanthers@pwepta.org |
Healthy Lifestyles | Kirsten McCarthy | Amanda Hempel | healthylifestyles@pwepta.org |
Historian/Yearbook | Lauren Lopez | yearbook@pwepta.org | |
Homeroom | Tricia Buoy | Helen Lyon | homeroom@pwepta.org |
Hospitality | Lindsey Ray | Sarah Shapansky | hospitality@pwepta.org |
International/Literacy Night | Lillian Mu |
Michelle Pareja/ Katie Schmidt |
international@pwepta.org |
Kinder Graduation | Meghan Markowitz | Kacy Taylor | kindergarten@pwepta.org |
Panther Events | Deena Ruiz |
Kelly McShan/ Lindsey Pedigo |
pantherevents@pwepta.org |
Parliamentarian | Heidi Rossetti | parliamentarian@pwepta.org | |
Principal | Misti Lehman | misti.lehman@risd.org | |
Reflections Program | Kathryn Williams | reflections@pwepta.org | |
SAGE/Diversity & Inclusion | Cassie Morrison | sage@pwepta.org | |
Spirit Wear | Amanda Powers | Molly McCarthy | spiritwear@pwepta.org |
Sports and Grounds | Dennis Post | sportsandgrounds@pwepta.org | |
Supply Sale | Rochelle Hartmann | supplies@pwepta.org | |
Talent Show | Caroline Newsom | Lindsey Moeller | talentshow@pwepta.org |
Teacher Representatives | Mandy Johnson | Cindy Nicodemus | amanda.johnson3@risd.org |
Translator | Grethel Bohannon | Cely Mosier | translate@pwepta.org |
Volunteer Coordinator | Kim Critcher |
- President: Be responsible for the inspiration agenda, and program for each PTA Board & membership meeting; Coordinate efforts across different Board members to plan events; Review and sign all PTA contracts.
- First Vice President (President Elect): Assist president as needed; coordinate and submit volunteer hours to council. Keep up with board position responsibilities and document necessary changes. Serve on Budget, Disbursement, and Nominating Committee. (s), 4-6
- Second Vice President (Programs): Organize extra programs for all students outside of the regular programs that the school offers. Work with school principal and instructional specialist on types of programs to bring in and available schedule. Research and create list of possible programs for the upcoming year to span various interest areas. Typically provides 6-8 programs during school hours for the school year (l), 8-10
- Third Vice President (Membership): Responsible for promoting and tracking membership throughout the year. Solicits membership through newsletter, social media, in-person events and Tuesday Folder flyers. Submits monthly membership reports and dues to TX PTA. Creates an annual membership plan to maximize annual local and state membership awards. (s), 4-6
- Fourth Vice President (Ways & Means): Responsible for fundraising events at Prestonwood. Coordinate 3 fundraising events: Marquee birthday sales, Feed the Panther starting in August, and the Online Auction and Auction party starting in February. Oversees donation solicitation across multiple fronts (corporate and personal). (l), 8-10 with heavy time during fundraising events,
- Fifth Vice President (Social Media): Responsible for circulating and posting necessary PTA information regarding events and activities as requested by the board and standing committee chair members. Follows up on questions asked online by the general school body and reports any issues. Responsible for requesting timelines from those needing social media marketing and advertising so as to schedule posts and stories appropriately. Must be familiar with social media channels. (s), 4-6
- Sixth Vice President (Communications): Prepare and distribute information to the school community regarding PTA and school functions and news via the PTA website, printed and electronic newsletters and social media. Work with President and First VP to run PWE PTA website efficiently and effectively. Create content pages, forms and signups as needed. Add calendar dates and other miscellaneous information as it comes up during the school year. (m), 6-8
- Secretary: Take minutes at PTA board and general meetings; post general meeting minutes. Responsible for stocking the PTA office with necessary supplies (paper, pens, etc…) and in charge of the copier maintenance. (s), 2-4
- Treasurer: Manage PTA funds, including deposits and expenses. Responsible for: cutting checks for reimbursements and disbursements, handling all cash box requests and cash collection from events, monthly bank reconciliations, quarterly and annual tax filings, budget amendments throughout the school year, creating monthly financial statements to report at board meetings and closing the books annually. Chairs the Budget Committee and prepares the annual budget. (l) 10-12 with heavy time during the school year, and 6-8 hours per month in the summer.
Committee Chairs:
- After School Activities: Create voluntary after school activities and programs for students. Work with PE coaches and teachers to come up with clubs and events. Help coordinate clubs and events during the year with instructional specialist. (s), 2-4
- Auction Chair: Coordinates the online and in person auction events, including soliciting donations and planning the event (food, location, entertainment). (m), 6-8 with heavy work preceding the auction events.
- 6th Grade Representative: Coordinates 6th grade graduation and end of year party. Works with Spirit Wear rep to create grade-specific shirts. If extra funds are needed, works with 6th grade parents for a fundraiser. (s), 2-4 at end of year
- Book Fair: Organize the book fair for the fall and spring. Includes working with Scholastic to get the books, coordinating setup and getting volunteers to run book fair shifts. (s), 2-4
- Carnival - Heads up the annual Fall Carnival. Responsible for organizing committee of parents to plan, set-up, run, and take down the carnival. Coordinates carnival vendors, food, games, and ticket sells. Distributes communication of carnival to community. (m), 6-8 – heavy months of Aug, Sept, Oct
- Clothes Closet: Coordinate PWE’s participation in the RISD Council of PTA’s Clothes Closet. Sends communication to school for items in need and gets parent volunteers to work PWE’s shift. (s), 2-4
- Community Partners: Coordinates fundraising partnerships between the school and business community including Family Nights at local restaurants and shopping events with local retailers. (s), 2-4
- Council Delegate: Attends monthly RISD Council of PTA’s meeting (typical on Thursday mornings or afternoons) and reports pertinent information to the Executive Board. Coordinates participation in the RISD Council of PTA’s annual play. Assist with Council projects, such as Used Book Fair. (s), 1-2
- Dance Chair: Responsible for creating a committee to head up the annual Dad’s Club Dance as well as the Mother/Son event on a weekend at the school. Works with committee to set the theme, create and distribute flyers, solicit food donations and gather volunteers to work the events. The dances are typically held in the winter and spring months. (s), 2-4
- Dads Club Rep: Coordinates Dads of current students to help with carpool line, Dad for a Day, Daddy/Daughter Dance and off campus events. (s), 2-4
- Disbursements: Coordinate a list of the school’s special needs from teacher requests and project ideas. Work on approved disbursements with the Treasurer. Holds quarterly committee meetings to stay up to date with school needs. Obtains quarterly requests from teachers and reports to committee for a vote. (s), 2-4
- Feed the Panther/Marquee: Oversees the Feed the Panther annual school fundraiser, including setting the benefit levels and rewards. Coordinates with the PWE staff to populate birthday marquee.
- Future Panthers: Coordinate future panther events for kids and parents not yet at Prestonwood. Keep up to date with PWE events and post on Future Panthers distribution channels. (s), 1-2
- Healthy Lifestyles/Buddy Fun Day: Facilitate healthy lifestyles initiatives and environmental awareness including but not limited to Red Ribbon Week (October), monthly veggie lunches, kindness challenges and walk to school/bike to school days. Work with PE Coach to help coordinate the activities of Buddy Fun Day (May) and obtain volunteers to assist. (m) 6-8
- Historian/Yearbook: Document the history of the association and compile and keep a record of events and activities to be presented as the official history of the school year. Promote, sell, create and distribute yearbook; Take and gather classroom photos, individual, teacher and staff photos; Distribute yearbooks to students who purchase them (s), 4-6
- Homeroom Coordinator: Organize, train and support the homeroom parents and request their help when needed. Coordinate the stuffing of Tuesday Folders, library shelving and class party volunteers. Responsible for choosing class communicators and distributing necessary information out to all grade-level channels. (m), 6-8
- Hospitality: Arrange teacher appreciation luncheons and activities on a monthly basis. Coordinate the back to school PTA/Staff event prior to the start of school as well as the week-long events during Teacher Appreciation Week in the spring. (m), 6-8
- International/Literacy Night: 1. Literacy Event: work on student literacy books (purchasing, covering, distributing, coordinating volunteers) held in the Fall. 2. International Event: Held in the fall, around back to school. Responsibilities include plan, set-up, run, and take down of event, obtain community sponsors to donate (restaurants), coordinate volunteers for food items, book entertainment, coordinate w/instructional specialist on grade-level games and activities run by teachers. (s) 4-6
- Kinder Graduation: Helps organize and coordinate the kindergarten graduation celebration at the end of the year. (s), 2-4 in May
- Panther Events: Plans various PWE campus-wide events such as Back to School Bash, Grandparent’s Day, Grownups & Donuts. Responsible for monthly Panther of the Month yard signs and certificates. Creates signage as needed for school events. Assists with quarterly house color decorations and parties. (m), 6-8
- Parliamentarian: Ensures that bylaws are being followed during meetings and maintains rule of order. (s), 1-2
- Reflections: Organize and coordinate the annual PTA sponsored Reflections Program that is held in the October timeframe. Works with district on any works of art that advance. (m) 6-8 in the fall
- SAGE: SAGE stands for “Special and Gifted Education.” Serves as a liaison between RISD Council and PWE to provide education, advocacy, and support for the families and educators of RISD students with special needs and learning differences. (s), 2-4
- Spirit Wear: Designs and purchases spirit wear for PWE students, teachers and parents. Responsible for distributing items to children’s classes. (m) 6-8
- Sports and Grounds: Responsible for maintaining the school's sports equipment and grounds. Develops protocol for usage and space rental. (s), 2-4
- Supply Sale: Purchase and sell supplies at the supply sale. This role begins in the summer and is typically finished soon after school begins. (s), 2-4
- Talent Show: Coordinate promotion and volunteers for the Holiday Village in December. Plan and execute a Talent Show in Spring, working with the PWE Staff. (m) 4-6 leading up to events.
- Translator: Help the PTA to translate communications into Spanish, specifically the weekly newsletter. (s), 1-2
- Volunteer Coordinator: Help officers and chairs form committees based on various needs throughout the school year. Recruit volunteers as needed and oversee volunteer hours. (s), 2-4
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 3
- Wednesday, March 5
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 28
- Friday, April 4
- Monday, April 7
- Wednesday, April 9